miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

Reservoir Engineering Tools Android App Tutorial

Reservoir Engineering tools

Android App with Equation of state, Fluid flow in porous media, Reservoir Simulation (One phase-1D) and Waterflooding

Download it in Playstore

jueves, 27 de abril de 2017

Bisection method, Java code

The bisection method, which is alternatively called binary chopping, interval halving, or Bolzano’s method, is one type of incremental search method in which the interval is always divided in half. If a function changes sign over an interval, the function value at the midpoint is evaluated. The location of the root is then determined as lying at the midpoint of the subinterval within which the sign change occurs. The process is repeated to obtain refined estimates. A simple algorithm for the bisection calculation is listed in the following figure.

Reference; Numerical Methods for Engineers. Steven C. Chapra and Raymond P. Canale

martes, 25 de abril de 2017

Lagrange Polynomial Java code

The Lagrange interpolating polynomial is simply a reformulation of the Newton polynomial
that avoids the computation of divided differences. It can be represented concisely as


viernes, 17 de febrero de 2017

Linear Interpolation code C# and FORTRAN

With this method any two points are simple joined together by a straight line segment. The desired interpolation point should therefore lie on this same line segment. The next codes calculate single point linear interpolation (xval,yval) using to vectors data (x,y).

You can this code to linear interpolation in FORTRAN


SUBROUTINE LinearInterpolation(x,y,xval,yval,n)
     yval = 0
     do i=1,n
   IF (xval >= x(i) .AND. xval < x(i+1)) then   
   yval = y(i)+(xval-x(i))*(y(i+1)-y(i))/(x(i+1)-x(i));
   end if
      end do
      end SUBROUTINE 

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

Reservoir simulation code (1D-horizontal-single phase) FORTRAN

With this code you can practice with examples of reservoir simulation excersices with the follows considerations:

One dimension
One phase (oil)
Slightly compressible fluid
4 different types of boundary conditions
Implicit formulation
Peaceman well model
One well (specified production rate or specified flowing pressure)

You can change the number of cells, rock and fluid properties, boundaries conditions and well especification.

Z-factor: Dranchuk-Purvis-Robinson correlation C# code

Code to calculate Z factor with Dranchuk-Purvis-Robinson Method in C#.

Dranchuk et. al. (1974) developed a correlation based on the Benedict-Webb-Rubin type of equation of state. Fittig the equation to 1500 data points from the Standing and Katz Z-factor chart optimized the eight coefficient of the proposed equations. The equation has the following form:

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017

Academic WaterFlooding (AWF)

Academic WaterFlooding (AWF)

AWF is part of a serie of basic reservoir engineering spreadsheets. With AWD you can do examples using thw Buckley-Leverett model and Welge solution estimating the displacement performance for a linear waterflood at constant injection rate.The necessary data is shown in the next picture.