miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

ARS (1D - radial-Fractured)

ARS (1D - radial-Fractured) is part of a serie of basic reservoir simulation spreadsheets. With ARS (1D - radial-Fractured) you can do examples considering the follow features:

Naturally fractured reservoir (Warren and Root model)
One dimension in radial coordinates
One phase (oil)
Slightly compressible fluid
Rock porosity depending of pressure
4 different types of boundary conditions
Well with specified production rate or specified flowing pressure)

You will need the petrophysics properties of matrix and fracture (Porosity, compressibility, permeability and matrix-fracture shape fracture). You have the option to use a constant or variable time step.

In the follow image you can observe the double slope expected from the Warren and Root model.

You could check your results of your calculation by hand or your own code
Check it and tell us what do you think
Enjoy it

Download here

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